The Legacy Remediation Team is starting 2022 off strong, with a 3 month long direct push injection project in San Diego County. We are injecting S-MicroZVI provided by Regenesis, EDS-ER provided by Tersus, and KB-1 microbial culture provided by SiREM. The complete SOW includes over 1.3 million gallons injected into ~400 direct push injection points.
In order to maximize efforts, and to complete the SOWin the shortest possible timeframe, we are running two (2) independent 4-man remediation crews, each consisting of (1) Injection Trailer, (1) Support Truck and (2) Geoprobe7822DT Direct push Rigs.

The Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation (EISB) crew is injecting an EDS-ER mixture and Bioaugmenting with KB-1 Microbial Culture. The EISB crew will be injecting up to 20 simultaneous Injection Points.

The In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) crew is injecting a mixture of S-MicroZVI and EDS-ER. The ISCR crew will be injecting up to 10 simultaneous Injection Points.

The EDS-ER is being provided by Tersus in 6,500 gallon bulk tanker shipments. The EDS-ER is being stored onsite in a dual-wall 16,000 gallon Frac Tank.

The S-MicroZVI is being provided by Regenesis in both Drums and IBC Totes.

The KB-1culture is being delivered in 10 or 20 liter vessels from SiREM. For the EISB injection points, each 5-foot long treatment zone is being bioaugmented with KB-1. We are measuring the dose with a sealed graduated cylinder, then injecting it directly into our manifolds.

To meet our mix water needs, we are pulling water from numerous hydrants located around the site.
For this particular work area, to overcome pressure/flowrate line loss, we are running 1,000 feet of 2.5" hydrant hose, that is getting split into two 1.5" hydrant lines that run to our two Injection Trailers.

We are injecting anaerobic water before and after each KB-1 dose.
The anaerobic water is being made onsite using KB-1 Primer, provided by SiREM.
We are storing the prepared anaerobic water onsite in a 1,000 gallon poly storage tank.
The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is being tested frequently to verify it is within range.

Teamwork is important, Josh and Brody have it down. EVO Batch Mixing, EVO Injection, KB-1 Dosing, Anaerobic flush water Injection, monitoring and recording volume, flowrate and pressure, and giving direction to the Direct Push Rig operators.

Teamwork is equally important with the ISCR crew. Measuring and mixing the S-MicroZVI is a little more complicated, but we have added a new feature to our mixing system that is making it much easier, and more accurate. In general this is just another day in the office for Amner and Randy.
Depending on the area, each of the four (4) Geoprobes 7822 rigs will be tasked with managing up to ten (10) sets of injection tools.

We have teamed with our friends from ABC Liovin Drilling and 2R Drilling who are each providing 1 Geoprobe and 1 operator.

Because of the size of the site, and with points extending as deep as 120 feet, the amount of support equipment needed is substantial.
3,000 feet of DPT Tooling
12,000 feet Injection Hose
2,000 feet Hydrant Hose

If you have any questions about this project, or if we can help support any of your current or upcoming projects, please contact us.
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