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Writer's picturetoddwhanna

Limited Access ZVI Injection

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

Along with our friends at Regenesis, we are supporting the injection S-MicroZVI into 28 direct push injection points, targeting injection between 7-17 feet bgs.

We are coring the concrete with a 4” Core Barrel, and hand clearing to 5 feet with a 3” Hand Auger.

In some locations the concrete has been as thick as 12 inches.

We are advancing the direct push tooling with our Geoprobe 420M Dolly Rig.

Moving back a forth between injection points can be challenging with limited access rigs, however our crew is doing a great job. All 4-5 injection points are being moved to the next interval in less than 10 minutes.

We are manifolded to 4-5 simultaneous injection points, targeting 3-foot long treatment intervals, injecting at 2.5 gpm per point, with pressures less than 25 psi.

If you have any questions about this project, or if we can help support any of your current or upcoming projects, please contact us.

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